Great Spaces Don't Just Happen.

See How We Do It.

Welcome to Terri Welsh Architectural Design

  • Frustrated because your current layout no longer works for you?
  • Do you need additional space for your growing family or because you now work form home?
  • Have you found a plot and you are ready to build your dream home?
  • Are you ready to take your new business to new premises?

At TWAD we know you want the best and we help clients achieve this by designing a new layout in the confines of your existing home or designing extensions and self builds to reflecting your needs and wants.

How does it work?  Get in touch for a free initial consultation to discuss your brief and let's start you on the road to a home you will fall in love with.

Latest News

Darmstadt-Kranichstein - the world's first Passivhaus.

Are you thinking of building a low energy house? Having completed some bitesize Passivhaus training thanks to BE-ST and Warm - Low Energy Building Practice, I now need to put what I have learned into practice!


Following bore hole drilling to 35m, 12 weeks of gas monitoring and an initial scare that the rate the carbon dioxide was flowing was too fast, the Geo-Environmental consultant has confirmed this proposed house falls within a "Characteristic Situation 3", which means we can use an appropriate gas membrane and passive venting.  Onwards and upwards with the Planning application!


My client approached me about a site they have which they would like to sell with Planning approval for either flats or a single dwelling.  The options were to submit a Pre-App Enquiry, an application for Outline Planning or a full Planning application.  Given the choice between flats and a single dwelling the Pre-App Enquiry was the logical option.  Although the response did not rule out flats, it favoured a single dwelling and I have been given the go-ahead from the client to start the design and get things moving.

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